Don’t Let the Door Hit ‘Ya

And finally, the last day of January. It was among my first thoughts this morning. As the alarm went off, I thought “what day is it? It’s Friday, it’s the LAST day of this month”. See ya January, don’t let the door hit ‘ya . . .

My next thought was of Tristan and recent orange moments I’ve had. I thought of my dear friend, experiencing her son’s heavenly birthday today and another friend who is about to go through the same. They both have painful months ahead and mine is finally behind me. Bereaved parents club – we always remember two days, our son’s birthdays and the day they went home. Even with the month behind me, it’s not like the rest of the year suddenly becomes joy-filled. I still struggle, a lot, mostly in the quiet of my own home.

Colton is now the same height Tristan was when he left this world, hitting the middle of my nose. We measured Colton recently and he’s grown an inch in the last 6 months! Woah! Fifth grade is full of so much activity as we are in the home stretch of elementary school, about to embark upon another school play.  Colton is the “Wizard” in the Wizard of Oz and the memories flood in as I run lines with him, just like I’d done with Tristan two years in a row. With the flurry of activity, we are making some changes and yesterday was Colton’s last day in the after-school program. I’d promised him he could start taking the bus home every day with drama club rehearsals wrapping up (same promise I gave to Tristan). I cried on the way to Bible study last night thinking I won’t walk into the cafeteria multiple times a week to see Tristan’s heart-shaped memorial up on the wall. As we were about to leave, we had a chance meeting with a teacher we’ve known for years through the after-school program; a woman Tristan and Colton have always adored and loved. We said a quick “goodbye” right in front of Tristan’s memorial knowing we’ll still see each other here and there, at church,  on Facebook. Now that I think about it, that wasn’t just chance running into her on that last day. That was an orange moment.

Speaking of orange moments, I still have them, some profound and others small occasions, like a little whisper, just enough to make me take a deep breath in. When we were snowmobiling in WI over the holidays, we rented two sleds. The one I was riding had the number 14 stuck to the windshield. It’s easy to say it’s just a coincidence, but I can’t keep saying that. I see that number and it’s instantly a sign. I went for a walk with a friend and the sky was the most unbelievable orange that morning. I still have birds tapping the window and the last time we visited the cemetery on Tristan’s birthday, there was a hawk resting on a low branch in a tree right next to the road leading out of the cemetery. It was so close, so much so I yelled out to Wyatt “stop, look at that!” He stopped the car for me to just take it in. A close friend always talks about a hawk that circled the 5th grade ceremony the day Tristan’s classmates graduated. I’m always fascinated when I see one close up like we did at the cemetery. Normally you only catch a glimpse of them swooping by, so it was peaceful to see it just sitting on the branch for a moment and in close proximity to recognize details.

I have orange moments that aren’t necessarily mysterious coincidences, rather, times to pause and remember Tristan, like a co-volunteer giving me 3 orange roses and leaving the rest of the bouquet in front of the Blessed Mother at our church. Then there are the cards, texts, lunch/dinner, plants, flowers and small tokens from friends that filled my January. There is my wind chime outside that I barely ever hear, but when I do,  its music makes me think of Tristan. I’m three years out and I still cannot believe this life is my truth. Between these moments, I constantly repeat, this can’t be true.

When I woke up this morning, I thought about our Bible study discussion and the scripture that spoke to blessings amidst pain and suffering. So many can speak of joyful feelings having overcome some awful situation. I feel like I will carry my suffering forever, never turning into a over-comer, always “stuck” in the middle of that valley shadowed by death. When I’ve asked why God allowed this, I’ve received an answer – so that you can know Him. Here’s the thing, I thought I knew God, but it had become somewhat of a surface level relationship. I was going to church, I’d done the retreats, tithing, praying, but now, I REALLY know Him.

Most would say “I’d rather not lose my child to get to know God”. Yah, no duh, me too.  Do you think Jesus wanted to DIE to get people to get to know His father? He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying it could be another way, but willing to accept the sacrifice God knew He would have to make.   Here’s my revelation.  This wasn’t just for ME to know Him better because obviously Tristan’s death affected many, so the answer has become more clear. The answer to “Why did God allow this?” is so that MANY could get to know Him better. Maybe that means it’s just the 3 of us, but I venture to think this includes my family, close friends, neighbors, parents at school & in sports with us, co-workers, Facebook connections, acquaintances, strangers who have received a Pay it Forward, CRHP ladies & families in my parish, boys who went to WinShape Camp, Sonflower sisters, Orange Moments readers. I’ve been in the garden too, I’ve prayed for this cup to go to someone else.

God knew. He knew the ripple effect would reach many.

If you’re reading this and you want to draw closer to God, but are not sure where to start, I encourage you to start with God’s word. There are so many Bible options now, some with journal pages or author notes in the margins. I have both a Jesus Calling and a Bible (YouVersion) app on my phone in addition to a Bible I’ve had for 14 years. There are MULTIPLE Bible-reading plans addressing a specific need (i.e. grief, despair, worry, etc) or question you may have. Some are very brief devotionals and others are longer, but I guarantee there is a plan (if not many) that will suit you. If reading or having your phone read TO you is not your thing, there are MULTIPLE Bible-based movies recapping the Gospels, Jesus’ passion or the apostle Paul’s missions.

Netflix > Search > Jesus

And don’t forget the Google machine’s power to connect us with an endless number of sermons. I’ve listened to THOUSANDS. They are all discussing the same book, but we have so many options available to find a speaker who suits you best. . . Man or woman, old or young, monotone delivery or RAISE THE ROOF kinda worship. It’s all out there. Then there is music. Music has been an enormous part of my relationship with God, listening to artists turn scripture into lyrics. Powerful stuff there. If you’re in Atlanta, tune to 104.7 The Fish. It’s always on in my car. Lastly, volunteering and giving back has done done wonderful things to deepen my relationship with God. We are an extension of God’s love for all of His children and when you show that love to others, their appreciation and gratefulness fills your cup. It’s literally contagious.

Although I’m relieved to see January in my rear view mirror, I’ll fill my cup back up and bring focus to February so I can continue to share my faith, finding purpose in my pain. I thank God for morning clarity and look forward to the next eye-opening experience my Bible has in store for me.








A Clear Mind

Many topics swirl around in my head on a daily basis while I pray for God’s direction on what to post next.  For me, this has become more than a status update; it’s become more than bereaved-parents-dealing-with-grief-through-faith. This is where I can take a thought and bring it to life having been appointed by God to share it with you, bereaved or not.  I use the word “appointed” because I feel called and not everyone is called to witness and share whether face to face or through writing, but I feel God has given me both of those gifts for a distinct purpose.  My friends and family know this is not something that just came about after Tristan died, but I will say certain circumstances can light a fire.  God has given each of us talents to be used to bring Him glory.  For me, it’s always been there, I just wasn’t using it all the time.

It’s kind of like my treadmill.  It’s right there in my office upstairs and even on days when I’m super busy and can’t seem to carve out time in the morning to workout, it’s still there at 5 pm, at 7 pm at 9 pm. I choose not to exercise on a crazy busy day even though I have the means to.  I’ve always had the means to witness and write like this, and I used it a little, but now I’m essentially “running” on the treadmill.

Exercise has actually been the one thing that has brought me mental clarity when I needed it most. When I have worse days, I know it will do me good. “Worse days are the ones where I really struggle. I feel like I have bad days and worse days.  Exercise clears my mind, helps me focus and re-prioritize my thoughts and get through. Exercise releases endorphins which are hormones to make you feel better; free all-natural medicine! Writing and witnessing to others is medicine for my suffering.

Everyone has “stuff” going on in their lives that tips the happiness meter in the wrong direction at times. Some may be overwhelmed with work, a health issue, a packed schedule, financial concerns or their kids or spouse are driving them nuts and I think, I have all the same issues, I get it, then envy creeps in and I want to blow an air horn to get everyone’s attention to stay “STOP”! When you lose someone you love, all else fades away and you could care less about the things that made you so crazy before. My schedule lightened up when I suddenly didn’t have Tristan’s practice or games to attend; there is less laundry to do, one less plate to wash each night, one less mouth to feed.

Let my life be the perspective you need to take a minute to clear your mind of the things you think are making your life crazy. Clear your mind of the clutter that piles up in your head.

Lately work has got me frazzled.  It’s just this crazy account and like all the projects I work on, they eventually come to an end and I get to start fresh on something new.  One of the perks of being in Project Management! Wyatt’s in the same boat with an intense project for his entire organization that is launching soon.  Add to that our DIY project:  the lake house. What started off as a healthy distraction has had us working every weekend for the last 3 months.  HGTV, you fooled me into thinking this stuff was easy!?

Without focus and a clear mind, it’s easy to stray from the path God has intended for us. There are millions of distractions and the devil just loves to see when we get too busy to attend to what’s important or are too frustrated to have a civil conversation, too upset to think straight. We’re completely distracted when we’re supposed to be focusing on something else. Happens to me ALL the time.  I learned from someone this summer to count the breaths I breathe in and then double that count when I breathe out, then try to get to a larger number on the next breath.  It works; it clears your head even if it’s just for a short while.

So. . . . . I exercise, I breathe, I read God’s word, I write, I pray, I spend time with friends and family, I work, I allow for downtime like a Netflix movie, a book or painting (walls, not canvas). I can lose track of time organizing a drawer or a closet or cleaning.  Still, I can’t clear my mind of the loss we’ve suffered. I can’t shake the gaping hole in my life. For every emotion swirling in my head, I find God’s message to me in scripture “But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you”.

May your orange moment today be a moment of clarity.

One Voice

Yesterday was an orange moment kind of day.

I pause and take a deep breath and say thank you, God, for that kind of a day; one where I am not re-playing the awful circumstances that surround us despite how it never really leaves my peripheral vision.  My week didn’t start out this way. I had a horrible Monday & Tuesday emotionally. Stupid time change, or is it the weather or perhaps hormones or maybe it’s just my life.  I had my Wednesday afternoon visit from my “angel” who comes and listens to me dump it all out on my kitchen table; my prayer warrior saves the day again. Thank God by Thursday I felt better. I had a busy day at work and am always grateful for the healthy distraction work provides.

After holding out for nearly six weeks following 3 conversations with a literary agent about the book I’ve been writing all year, I did it, I sent it in last week and instead of waiting on pins and needles for a response I just relinquished control (not always easy for me) and said this is entirely in your hands, God.  I knew I would hear something this week. Each time I’d begin to role play what the response might be, I would stop myself. It’s your will, Lord, not mine, whatever you think is best.

She called yesterday.  They want to publish it!!! I was kind of in shock. As she began giving me all this positive feedback, I was waiting for the “but”. . .we love it, BUT it’s not the right fit. . . It’s great BUT are you sure your 3rd grader didn’t write it? Stop it, Laura. Why do we do that?  Why do we let the voices in? I’m not crazy, you do it too,  the negative self-talk. Word to the wise, it doesn’t come from God. In my Bible Study we talked about weeding out the voices that don’t matter (our own, the devil’s, judgement from others) and focusing on the one voice that DOES matter, God’s.   I heard God’s daily reminder, I told you to trust me, Laura.

After our call, I hung up and sort of paced the room. I started to cry even though I was happy she said YES. It wasn’t a sad cry, it was a release, a they-like-me, they-really-like-me kind of cry.  Her call was validation that someone outside the circle of my family & friends agrees that my story is worth sharing. I am seeing how easily things are falling into place with this blog and now the book and it’s obvious when God is in control, when we listen to HIS voice, the path becomes clear.

I opened my Bible this morning and checked how I am tracking against my two-year-reading-plan I started in February 2017. I’ve made little notes along the way, like when I was 3 months out, 6 months out, the one-year anniversary of losing Tristan. I noted trips we took, when my stepmom died, retreats I’ve attended. I went to this week “Year 2, Week 3” in my plan to note “Book” as a reminder of yesterday’s call and the scripture was Isaiah 40.  I quickly flipped to it. The chapter is titled The promise of salvation.  From the beginning of this experience, Wyatt & I said over and over again, we felt called to witness to others, to bring a message of HOPE to anyone that would listen. We talked about “filling the lifeboats” to let people know that our salvation, our eternity in Heaven is real. This was the catalyst for writing my book and here in black and white, on the day I got the call, God’s voice coming through the prophet Isaiah says “give comfort to my people”. Isaiah 40 ends with “they that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar with eagles’ wings. They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint”. No coincidences, orange moment.

Two in One

This morning I had a two-in-one kind of Orange Moment.

The woman we worked with at Chick Fil A, to establish a connection to the Chick Fil A foundation and Camp WinShape, e-mailed us last night indicating they had a whole baseball team of boys who qualify for Tristan’s scholarship to attend Camp WinShape this summer.  How amazing to be able to give this gift to them.

Minutes later, my sweet friend, neighbor & founder of Little Helpers of Atlanta, Tran Smith, emailed me a certificate from CWL (Children with Hair Loss). Her daughter, Ava, donated 10″ of her hair to Pay it Forward for Tristan. I love all the creative ways people are Paying it Forward.

Certificate of Appreciation