May’s Legacy

I have always relied on writing to fully process emotions or get things off my chest that I may never say out loud. In 2017, I wrote and wrote and wrote for a year straight then in 2018, I started this blog. I continued to write through 2018 and 2019. Here we are nearly half-way through 2020 and I’ve only posted a few times. That tells me I either have less to process or I’m just saying more out loud? Likely the latter.

Like all of you, the last several months things turned upside down. I picked up a large project at work, in addition to my day job, then added home-schooling to my resume. God has certainly blessed our teachers to do what they do! I came to enjoy becoming more involved in the school work but still struggled with finding the time during my work day to manage.

The school work tapered off and by mid-May we were pretty much done. Colton’s official graduation was Friday, May 22nd. We participated in an online ceremony and did a drive-thru goodbye for a school we will never, EVER forget. It was sad to see the kiddos missing out on 5th grade farewell activities, but somehow God seems to have sheltered me from having to go through the pain of living out the same 5th grade moments I couldn’t be a part of in May 2017. Although the Schupbach family has completed our time at Mountain Park, their legacy, the kindness of teachers & staff, will always be in our memories.

Thank you for all the orange moments, Mountain Park! We will miss ALL of you. Hugs, Kisses, High Fives!!

Colton recently asked me about MY legacy. Mom, what do you want to be remembered for? I don’t know if this question was prompted by impacts of this virus or if it was a Memorial Day movie we’d watched about a grandfather reliving WWII memories. Either way, I didn’t hesitate. I want to be remembered for how I helped others. And the goal for the rest of my life is to use as many experiences on this earth to inspire and help others whether that’s as simple as paying it forward to help someone have a better day or bringing someone to God’s word and His saving grace.

There is a feeling I get, being involved in a mission to create a legacy for God’s glory. Sonflower Ministries has been doing this for over 25 years. Sadly, our May retreat had to be cancelled so we are all praying we can resume our preparations late summer for the November retreat. These weekends fill my bucket. They can be physically & emotionally exhausting but the impact the weekend has is simply put, remarkable, and carries a unique legacy of women bound by faith, hope and God’s pure love, free to anyone who needs it, available 24/7 and guaranteed to bring light to the darkest times.

With or without that retreat, quarantined from friends & family, Jesus’ legacy carries me. And His legacy started with His mama. May is the month we celebrate all the special moms in our lives and the Blessed Mother, Mary. I often speak to Mary in my prayers. She knows my pain and for that I feel connected to her the way I do other bereaved mothers. Her willingness to say YES to God and her strength to endure her pain is a legacy I strive for.

My most cherished memory of honoring Mary was in 8th grade when I was chosen to be a part of the May Crowning Court at school. To this day, I’m still so thankful for the experience. My Catholic school always celebrated the Blessed Mother with a formal ceremony to crown Mary, Queen of Heaven, in May. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, all of those who have been blessed to become mothers (through childbirth, adoption, foster care or otherwise). Comfort those who have lost their mothers as well as mothers who have suffered the loss of a child or whose relationship with their child is struggling. Provide healing to mothers that are sick and the many mothers who are caring for the sick, especially during this pandemic. Lord God, thank you for selecting Mary to leave her legacy to guide us, in faith, through any circumstance that comes our way.