Who’s Soliciting Who?

I work from home, so now and again, a solicitor will ring the bell.  Often I tell the ones selling something there is ‘no soliciting’ in our neighborhood, but only after I’ve let them tell me what they are here for first.  Others may be out spreading the word for a particular cause or political outcome. Everyone needs to start some where and selling anything door to door has to be one of the more challenging occupations.

Today I listened and wasn’t particularly interested. I indicated my resources were directed to other charities right now. When I answered the door, she was reading the stone that sits on my front porch.  I pointed to the stone which says “Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.”  Somehow I found myself telling this person I’d lost my 11 year old son? Her cause had her out going door to door, passionate about saving animals. I’m passionate about saving souls.

Do you know I spent another 15 minutes talking to this stranger. She told me about how she’d lost hope when her mom died, how her boyfriend struggles to have hope, how they question God’s plan.  Only minutes after we’ve met, she was telling me about the cross she bears, asking me how I am managing with a heavier burden. I told her the Bible is my source of hope. She said “this is the reason I was sent out today, to hear what you have to say”. She teared up. This is not the conversation I was expecting to have when I opened the door, but God gives us lots of opportunities, huh?  I told her she could strengthen her hope too, through scripture.  God could come for us any minute; scripture prepares me for an eternity that is available to every one of us who chooses to believe. I don’t think this was a life-changing encounter, but I think she’ll open her Bible tonight.  One step closer to God.

When I think about being prepared, I look at my priorities; how am I spending my time and how does it contribute to securing my place in Heaven one day? The Bible says I just need to follow Jesus. To me, following means you not only believe he is who he says he is, but you choose to live according to his example.  This is why God sent him! Jesus obeyed the 10 commandments and lived a life free of sin. Yah, that’s the hard part. But get this, he died so we could sin, again and again, and still be forgiven.

Our situation has given me a perspective that many others may not have. You may tell yourself “life is short” but you’re still working like a dog and struggle to find quality time with family or friends you haven’t seen. “I’m so busy at work that I had to catch up on the weekend and then we had this thing and well, you know”. Sound familiar? We are all way too busy.

This weekend at our faith formation program, we talked about balance.  As we were discussing balance I was literally writing down the number of hours per week I work, hours I’m with family (not working), hours I contribute to growing my faith and other (the other category would include what we do for fun). This week I had a big fat zero in the fun part of my pie chart. Work soaked up 40 hours.  Side note, I wasted too much time putting in 12-14 hour days for too many years, 40 hours and no more. The faith portion of my pie chart was not as large as I’d like to see when visually displaying it for my own validation. I tallied up an hour a day spent in quiet prayer/reflection, an hour in adoration every Monday morning, mass Monday morning (20 min top) and Sunday morning mass. I’m constantly having conversation with God throughout the day, but am I balanced? Maybe it’s not about the hours.

Our group watched a video by Fr. Mike Schmitz. He talked about how we’ll never have this perfect “balance”.  It’s the tiny adjustments we make, like when you’re standing up in a canoe. We’re BALANCING.  My faith gives me hope and scripture better prepares me for the balancing act of this life and the glory of the next.  My faith may not get the most hours in my week, but it is my  #1 priority in life.   http://ascensionpresents.com/video/finding-balance-in-christian-life/