It’s Only Temporary

How many times have you had something going on in your life and in an effort to cope, you told yourself “it’s only temporary”.  I used to say it to my Project Managers when they had a doozie of a project or client that would make their work-day unbearable. Time and time again, I’d remind them “it’s only temporary” because the great thing about a project is it has a defined beginning and end. At some point, the project ends and we get to start a new one. Every project manager knows the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a project and, even better, the relief that’s felt when you get to close the door and open a new one.

We often hear people say “this too shall pass” or maybe like Scarlett O’Hara, you just figure you’ll think about that tomorrow. When trials hit or pain strikes, we as impatient humans want it to be over as quickly as possible.  We tell ourselves and our loved ones “it’s only temporary” to pacify us mentally because we can all relate when we hear. . . .

I cannot deal with this job, this pain, this illness, this person, this financial crisis (fill in the blank), this situation forever.

This has to end.

So many struggles. So many different ways of coping. The evil one loves to see us struggle; when he’s got us down, when you’re in the darkness, it can be hard to find the light. Reminder: it’s only temporary. When we face problems, we want to make it stop. How easy it is to run away, avoid, deflect, blame, take a pill, anything to make it go away.

This week my trust in God waivered. I found myself praying for proof, asking for validation, wanting something that would help me cope,  help me acknowledge for the 1000th time, this life is only temporary. My suffering will one day end. I cried a lot this week. Over the 4th of July, I experienced many of my “triggers” that prompt an emotional reaction and when I suppress those emotions, they build up and come pouring out eventually. I was questioning why I pray at all when MY prayers aren’t answered. Side note: praying isn’t always about getting an answer; it’s about the relationship that develops from having a conversation with God.

A glass of wine doesn’t cut it. This isn’t about relaxing. My problem is forever (in this life) yet I still tell myself, it’s only temporary and my angels here on earth surrounded me with prayer this week and built up my trust and my hope in God again. They reminded me of the reward.

Non-believers don’t get it. Their hope lies in earthly possessions, earthly accomplishments. They are fulfilling the flesh for the life that ends when their body dies not grasping the true reward.  I’m living my life for the next one. This world is only temporary.  Heaven is a real place. I pray that those who only see this life can have their eyes opened by my witness and that of others to show them, there is so much more and God’s grace is enough if you let Him in.

The waiting is hard; really, really hard. I compared myself to a child who cries and cries and the parent says “now stop that crying for 30 minutes and I’ll give you a lollipop”. The kid has no concept of time, right, so 3 minutes go by, “Is it time for my lollipop now?”

How ’bout now?


I know if God were to show up and explain to me face to face why he has allowed my suffering it would be like me trying to explain quantum physics to a 5 year old and for the record, I know nothing about quantum physics, so He just says “wait, trust me, hang on, don’t despair. . . .it’s only temporary”.