
OrangeMoments.org was built as a forum to reach other parents suffering the same grief we are; to bring a message of HOPE to all those who have suffered. Suffering hurts no matter what form it comes in. Whether it’s grief, abuse, neglect, addiction, God’s word gives us HOPE. 2COR 4:18 What is seen is temporary, for what is unseen is eternal. As Christians, we can have HOPE for an eternity where there is no more sorrow, no more pain, no more tears, reunited with our loved ones.

On January 15, 2017, our 11-year-old son had a tragic accident in our backyard. We spent the next 7 days in the hospital praying for a miracle but surrendering to God’s will. Our family, friends, neighbors, school & church community stormed the gates of Heaven with prayers for Tristan. Despite our prayers, Tristan joined Jesus in Heaven. I envision he got a glimpse and never looked back. Why would you? We did not get the answer to our prayer, but others did. Tristan was able to save FOUR people through organ donation.

More about my story in my first published manuscript, Orange Moments! Now available on Amazon (Kindle, Hardcover, Softcover) & Barnes & Noble (Nook Book, Hardcover, Softcover)!